SGM Community (Serious GMod)
News and Announcements
News and announcements regarding the community and our services.
- Discussions:
- 58
- Messages:
- 2,372
Latest: The Giant's Lair (SGM Reunion) wubby, Oct 20, 2024 -
Questions & Answers
The place to ask questions about our games, rules or features.
- Discussions:
- 2,095
- Messages:
- 11,739
Latest: I can't hear music or see sprays in game Jiggly-Puff, May 25, 2022 -
Store and Donations
If you have any questions or issues with our store or with donating, post them here.
- Discussions:
- 237
- Messages:
- 1,421
Latest: Elite overrides VIP+/Gold when banned Yellow, Jun 26, 2021
General Discussion
The place for general, community-wide threads.
Latest: admin [MZK]Lightning, May 15, 2024 -
General Suggestions
Any suggestions for our forums, website or services that do not have a forum of their own.
- Discussions:
- 547
- Messages:
- 7,658
Latest: Moderator Staff Section Should be Opened. Orion, Mar 9, 2023 -
Shoutbox Ban Appeals
If you want to appeal your Shoutbox ban, this is the place. Please provide as much information as possible. For shoutbox reports, contact an admin in private.
- Discussions:
- 202
- Messages:
- 1,058
Latest: BARTHOLOMEW's Appeal Daddy Nexxus, May 11, 2023 -
Giving to the community out of the kindness of your own heart? This is the place.
- Discussions:
- 1,059
- Messages:
- 41,970
Latest: Indy's Birthday giveaway Orion, Aug 2, 2023
TTT Discussion
Discussion about anything related to the Serious TTT server and TTT.
Latest: TTT Map Tournament [MZK]Lightning, Jun 27, 2021 -
TTT Staff/Player Reports
Report a trouble making player or an abusive staff member here. Please provide as much information as possible including any proof (screenshots and videos).
- Discussions:
- 14,739
- Messages:
- 67,983
Latest: Report against Highwon Elvis, Jun 19, 2021 -
TTT Ban Appeals
If you want to appeal your ban, this is the place. Please provide as much information as possible.
- Discussions:
- 7,804
- Messages:
- 42,071
Latest: DarmaniLink's Appeal littlememe, May 29, 2021 -
TTT Suggestions
The place to suggest and discuss new content, features, and ideas for our TTT servers.
- Discussions:
- 6,846
- Messages:
- 60,999
Latest: Terrortrain 2019 waffle, May 9, 2021
Deathrun Discussion
Discussion about anything related to the Deathrun server and Deathrun.
- Discussions:
- 63
- Messages:
- 900
Latest: DR cross community event? wubby, Feb 24, 2021 -
Deathrun Staff/Player Reports
Report a trouble making player or an abusive staff member here. Please provide as much information as possible including any proof (screenshots or videos).
- Discussions:
- 219
- Messages:
- 891
Latest: Report against Jamツ 8BitF0x, Jun 26, 2020 -
Deathrun Ban Appeals
If you want to appeal your DR ban, this is the place. Please provide as much information as possible.
- Discussions:
- 37
- Messages:
- 166
Latest: Forgotten's Appeal john redcorn, Sep 12, 2019 -
Deathrun Suggestions
Any suggestions you have would go in here. If you are suggesting a map or model, please include pictures and a link to download. We won't consider maps/models unless there are pictures & a download link.
- Discussions:
- 253
- Messages:
- 2,315
Minecraft Discussion
Discussion about anything related to the Minecraft server and Minecraft.
Latest: The Ocean Temple FBI Charizdad, Apr 28, 2021 -
Minecraft Staff/Player Reports
Report a problem causing player or an abusive staff member in here. Please provide as much information as possible including any proof (screenshot, video).
Latest: Report against John Redcorn silencer (god???) RyanHymenman, May 13, 2021 -
Minecraft Ban Appeals
If you want to appeal your ban, please provide as much information as possible.
Latest: Posting on Appeals Spitefulvenom, Mar 19, 2021 -
Minecraft Suggestions
Any suggestions you have would go in here. If you are suggesting a Plug-In, please provide a link to it. (Spigot, GitHub)
Latest: Xen's Trading Cards Femboy Gaming 420, Apr 27, 2021
Off Topic Discussion
Discussion about anything unrelated to Trouble in Terrorist Town.
- Discussions:
- 4,074
- Messages:
- 80,125
Latest: Will Highwon ever respond to this post? j3kawesome, Nov 17, 2024 -
This is the place for various hobbies and crafts - drawing, music production, programming, level design, writing, 3D work, cooking, crafting, and more. Discuss, share and show-off anything here, whether it's done or still a work in progress.
- Discussions:
- 454
- Messages:
- 7,998
Latest: Cameras Take Pictures Sometimes stormcreator, Dec 18, 2023 -
This is the place to discuss games outside of TTT. Need help with an achievement? Ask here for tips.
- Discussions:
- 683
- Messages:
- 15,049
Latest: Best Lego Game™ Fregley, May 15, 2024 -
Share photos, videos, links and other entertaining content.
- Discussions:
- 850
- Messages:
- 9,105
Latest: Movie Discussions (9)Player, Oct 25, 2023